FAI recognizes the challenges associated with classroom training and in-person event cancellations, as organizations focus on continuity of operations. As a result, all Federal Acquisition Certifications (FAC) and Continuous Learning (CL) achievement requirements with a current status of February 1, 2020, are extended and are considered valid until further notice. Further guidance will be published on when we will return to normal processes. Adequate time will be allowed to complete the necessary training.
If you need clarification or further information, please contact your Agency’s Acquisition Career Manager (ACM). To find your ACM, visit http://www.fai.gov/humancapital/acquisition-career-manager-acm.
Note: To find your ACM
- For CFO ACT Agencies, hover the cursor over your agency’s seal to view the ACM’s contact information and click the link to open an email to your agency POC.
- For Small Agency Council agencies, select the Small Agency Council ACM’s tab to locate your agency and appropriate POC.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
The March 25th Acquisition Today mentions using COOP training and experience for continuous learning. What is that and where can I find training?
COOP stands for Continuity Of Operations. This is not training provided by FAI. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) provides some training ( https://www.fema.gov/media-library/assets/documents/72598) and information https://www.fema.gov/pdf/about/org/ncp/coop_brochure.pdf. However, when and how continuity is maintained "is an effort within individual executive departments and agencies to ensure that Primary Mission Essential Functions (PMEFs) continue to be performed during a wide range of emergencies." So, individual agencies may have additional COOP information, resources, and/or training to facilitate planning for and conducting continuous provision and support of essential services.
Whether or not to award CLPs for COOP activities is a policy determination of the ACM and should be based on the current guidance weighing the following:
- On-the-job experiential learning and detail assignments are already approved for continuous learning credit
- Acquisitions work is required to support essential functions of agencies during the COVID-19 response
- Teaching, mentoring, and presenting information are approved for continuous learning credit
- Acquisition workforce members are having to become familiar with agency COOP plans and/or develop new means to ensure continuous operations
- Acquisition workforce members are being requested for detail assignments to support response and continuity efforts
- Activities of acquisition workforce members supporting the Elements of a Viable Continuity Capability and the Four Phases of Continuity of Operations Activation outlined in FEMA's brochure may constitute on-the-job experiential learning, especially for employees not familiar with response operations
- Some acquisition workforce members may be teaching methods to facilitate acquisition processes remotely
Personnel should not receive credit simply for teleworking when it's something that they normally do. Instead, the intent of this is to point out that gaining an understanding of government continuity plans and requirements and working to support/implement continuity may be valid for awarding CLPs; at the agency's discretion. The fact that the entire government is suddenly creating, modifying, implementing continuity operations may make some organizations rethink whether they think those things are applicable as continuous learning for acquisition workforce members.