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Human Capital Planning

Quarterly Workforce Metrics

The Federal Acquisition Institute provides quarterly acquisition workforce updates across two critical occupational series, GS-1102 and GS-1101. The quarterly data reported in this Microsoft Excel workbook covers attrition, accession, and general employment trends across the identified occupational series. The tables and charts contained within this workbook are designed to provide the acquisition community with timely and relevant human capital-related data.

The data illustrated in the tables and charts contained within this workbook is sourced directly from the Office of Personnel Management’s (OPM) FedScope database.  

Download the most recent set of quarterly workforce metrics (current through Q1FY24).

Annual Workforce Reports

Throughout its 35-year history, FAI has issued annual reports on the demographics and trends of the acquisition workforce. These reports provided federal managers with data of value in planning or evaluating their respective acquisition career management programs.

The last Annual Report was published for 2012. In 2013, FAI transitioned to reporting acquisition workforce data in a more timely manner on the Quarterly Workforce Metrics page. Additional demographic and employment data on the acquisition workforce can be found in OPM's Fedscope.

Competency Evaluations/Reports

The Federal Acquisition Institute administers the Acquisition Workforce Competency Survey to civilian agencies in the Executive Branch of the Federal Government.

In 2003, FAI undertook a project to identify and validate the competencies that Contract Specialists should have and linked these competencies to a career management model. This "Report on Competencies for the Federal Acquisition Workforce" highlights findings and results from these efforts:

Other Resources

The Office of Federal Procurement Policy (OFPP) has developed the Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan to guide the growth in capacity and capability of the civilian agency acquisition workforce.


An official website of the General Services Administration

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